GOD: For giving us the most amazing gift of music!
PASTOR PILATO: Thank you for always supporting us and showing us God's love.
MRS. GREY: You are such an inspiration; a light in the dark. Thank you for showing us the beauy of God’s love everyday through your actions.
FACULTY AND STAFF: For your endless support of our musical and showing up to see it!
MUSICAL COMMITTEE: For your willingness to go the extra mile and work hard. Mrs. Alpuche, thank you so much for being the parent lead! I really appreciate your help.
MS. MARTINEZ: It has been an honor to work with you. The choreography is beautiful! You are amazing and I will miss you so much next year.
MS. MAHAR: You are awesome! Thank you for our amazing music and all your help backstage. You always go the extra mile for me, and I can't tell you how much I love and appreciate you. I'm not sure how next year will look without you. I'm going to miss you so much, but am looking forward to watching you shine at your next job!
MR. GREY, MR. GARCIA, AND MICAH: Thank you for helping with sound, lights, and the projector! Thank you for spending so much of your time at SAP to make sure these shows go smoothly!
JHEYLEN, STEPHANIE, PAOLA: For making this show run smoothly and always being so on top of everything. I’ve been so blessed to see you ladies grow and learn how to do certain tasks better!
PARENTS AND STUDENTS: For donating your time, talent, and treasures. You have all shown your love in some way and for that I am truly grateful! Thank you for being part of the magic!
8TH GRADERS: Thank you for all you have done over the years in theatre arts. It has been a blessing for me to be part of your journey in life! I've had the honor to work with a lot of you since you were little kindergarteners. You've come so far and it is a blessing to see you grow. I hope that theatre has challenged you, taught you great lessons, and brought you much joy! A special thanks to our graduating performers:
GISELLE: You are such an amazing dancer and performer. All through Lion King Jr., Singin' in the Rain, and Aladdin Jr. it has been so fun to watch you grow and see how amazing you are at dance. Thanks for being our dance captain! Never forget that you are so talented and can do so many great things with your life. Always keep dancing through life and singing in the rain!
GIANNA: You have so much musical talent and potential, it is crazy. I love how you can write your own music, how you can memorize songs with ease, and how much you love music and theatre. Gianna, your smile and heart light up the stage. You are funny and have great comedic timing. I love that you play Anna this year. I think this role is well suited for you because you have both the jokes and ability to be funny, but also such a strong and fearless heart and spirit. Please keep sharing your gift for musical theatre with the world.
MATEO: You have been so fun to watch each time you step on the stage. Sometimes students become scared or afraid and tend to close up on stage, but you have always had so much energy and joy in performing. I have loved watching that over the years. Whether you were the Broadway Melody Host in Singin' in the Rain Jr. or Omar in Aladdin Jr. or even a simple role like a Duckling in Character Matters II, you always give each role your all. Mateo, you have so much spirit and depth within you. I can see God shining through you through your excellence and love for theatre. It has been a great honor to teach you. Keep sharing your gifts with the world!