Shrek the Musical - March 06 - March 09, 2014

Springstead High School

 Who's Who 

  • Matthew Moore head shot

    Matthew Moore

    as Shrek

    Matt Moore is a junior at Springstead High. He has been in two other performances including a Christmas Carol and Once upon a Mattress. He also plays trumpet in Springstead's Marching Band and is an outdoorsman. "I want to thank all my family and friends that have come to support me in this role and the good Lord above for blessing me with this great opportunity."

  • Lucy Fuller head shot

    Lucy Fuller

    as Adult Fiona

    Lucy is so excited to perform the role of Fiona. She has loved musical theatre from a young age, has participated in chorus classes since fourth grade, and began performing in Springstead musicals and one acts her sophomore year. Her previous roles include Ariel in "The Little Mermaid" and Charlotte in "Scenes and Revalations". "Thanks to everyone I worked with these past three years!"

  • Brianna Butts head shot

    Brianna Butts

    as Donkey

    Brianna Butts is a senior at Springstead High School. She has been singing and acting since she was 2 years old. Brianna recently was in Springstead‘s production of "The Little Mermaid" as Flotsam and would like to thank Mr. Pennington for this opportunity! When she isn't singing she loves to read for hours at a time. She would like to thank her family for their support.

  • Jonathon Linstad head shot

    Jonathon Linstad

    as Lord Farquaad

    Jon Linstad was born on April 29th, 1997. He is currently a junior at Springstead. He started singing when he was 10 and has been in multiple musical performances since then. He recently appeared as King Triton in The Little Mermaid at SHS.

  • Carissa Gibbs head shot

    Carissa Gibbs

    as Pinnochio/Dragon

    Carissa Gibbs is currently 18 years old and a Senior at Springstead High school. She has been in 9 productions since her Freshmen year and most recently starred in The Little Mermaid as Ursula. Carissa is known to her friends as being amiable, witty,and a great friend. She loves to be the comedic relief on and off the stage and always strives to make sure everyone around her is happy.

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