Latin Translations Act 1
Olim, olim Deus accelere Someday, someday God speed
hoc seculum splendidum This bright mellinnium
accelere fiat venire olim Speed it's coming someday.
Kyrie Eleison God have mercy
Dies irae, dies illa Day of wrath, that day
solvet saeculum in favilla will dissolve the world in ashes
teste David cum Sybilla as foretold by David and Sybil
quantus tremor est futurus what fear there will be
quando judex est venturus when the judge comes
Salve Regina Hail, Holy Queen
mater misericordiae mother of mercy
vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra our life, sweetness, hope
ad te clamamus to the we cry
gementes et flentes mourning and weeping
in hac lacrimarum valle in this valley of tears
Confiteor Deo omnipotenti I confess to God omnipotent,
beatae Mariae semper virgini blessed Mary, ever virgin
beato Michaeli archangelo blessed Michael, the archangel
sancits apostolis to the holy apostles
omnibus sanctus to all the saints
et tibi Pater and to you, Father
quia peccavi nimis that I have sinned greatly
cogiatione in thought
verbo et opere in word, and deed
mea culpa through my fault
mea culpa through my fault
mea maxima culpa through my greatest fault.
Misericordiare Mercy and compassion
Et dona nobis pacem And give us peace
Liberame Domine Liberate me, God
de morte aeterna from eternal death
in dia illa tremenda on that fearful day
quando coeli movendi when the heavens move
sunt coeli et terra the heavens and the earth
dum veneris judicare when the judge comes
saeculum per ignem to judge the world with fire