Ellie Eagle
as Peter Pan
Ellie Eagle is a 4th grader. Having enjoyed 2 theater camps and show choir at Spotlight, she is excited about this role. When she is not hamming it up, she enjoys soccer, art, school & friends. She has dreams of waiting tables & singing at Ellen’s Stardust Diner in NYC’s Times Square as she awaits her big Broadway break. She is grateful for this opportunity and for her family and friends’ love.
Gavin Krautz
Peter Pan
Gavin Krautz, age 10-Gavin is very excited to play the role of Peter Pan! This is Gavin’s fifth play at Spotlight, he has played in We Are Monsters , Twas the Week After Christmas, The Most Epic Birthday Party, Annie Jr. (Oliver Warbucks). Gavin enjoys theater, swimming,comic books, Disney, The Walking Dead and spending time with friends and family. Gavin would like to thank his Mom, Yaya and Papa
Kate Dobosz
Peter Pan
Kate- (11)is so excited to play the role of Peter Pan! She has participated in several productions at Spotlight, including Annie Jr, The Week After Christmas, and We Are Monsters. Kate is a 6th grader. She enjoys reading, listening to music, and spending time with her friends! Kate would like to thank her family for their support and Ms. Meghan for her amazing direction.
Joey Fortelka
Peter Pan
Joey Fortelka is a seventh grader. He was born to act and is excited about his role in Peter Pan. Joey has played multiple roles. His most recent performances were in "The most Epic Birthday Party Ever: (Charlie), Annie (Rooster), Teen Beach (Tanner) and a Christmas Carol (school boy). When Joey is not acting he enjoys using the computer and being a "teen". He would like to thank his parents.
Aspen Parker
as Wendy
Aspen Parker is an 8th grader. This is Aspens 5th play here at Spotlight Theater. She enjoys acting, singing, playing the piano and spending time with her family. Aspen is excited to play the role of Wendy.