Originally produced on Broadway by Stuart Oken, Roy Furman, Michael Leavitt, Five Cent Productions, Stephen Schuler, Decca Theatricals, Scott M. Delman,
Stuart Ditsky, Terry Allen Kramer, Stephanie P. McClelland, James L. Nederlander, Eva Price, Jam Theatricals/Mary LuRoffe, Pittsburgh CLO/Gutterman-Swinsky,
Vivek Tiwary/Gary Kaplan, The Weinstein Company/Clarence, LLC,
Adam Zotovich/Tribe Theatricals; By Special Arrangement with Elephant Eye Theatrical
The Addams Family is presented through special arrangement and all authorized performance materials are supplied by Theatrical Rights Worldwide, 1180 Avenue of the Americas, Suite 640, New York, NY 10036. www.theatricalrights.com.