Carli Harris
as Betty Parris
Fun facts about Carli Harris: Her elbows can bend the wrong way, when she was six, she tried to make a full-length claymation, she once dreamed of being a professional figure skater, but she couldn’t skate, she’s been acting since she was eight years old (current dream), she was named after two basketball players, and she only likes broccoli because it makes her feel like a giant eating trees.
Jeff Steinman
as Reverend Samuel Parris
Jeff Steinman is playing Reverend Parris. When he’s not screaming his head off about bloody damnation and whining about his lack of firewood, Jeff enjoys long walks on the beach and smooth jazz. In all reality Jeff enjoys playing the trumpet; when he’s not deafening himself or anyone within five hundred feet of him he’s probably asking every single person he sees to repeat whatever they just said.
Colleen Couture
as Tituba
Colleen is a sophomore, and this is her third show with SHSDC. She has decided to leave the witty bios to the pros and stick to something less humorous. Colleen loves spending time with everyone in drama club and is so happy to be part of something so great! She is ecstatic to be playing the part of Tituba and hopes you enjoy the show!
Savanna Ouellette
as Abigail Williams
Savanna is a senior at Spaulding. Her first show was SHS’s production of “Harvey,” and she has played many roles since, including Holly in “the Wedding Singer” and Margaret in “Much Ado About Nothing." Savanna would like to personally apologize in advance for Abigail and if you hate her after, she does not blame you. However, she asks you refrain from throwing things, cursing, and the like.
Angela Garcelon
as Susanna Walcott
Angela is a junior and this is her fifth show with SHSDC. She can’t believe that this is her third year with such an amazing group of people; her experience with this club has always been great. Angela also enjoys hanging out with her friends and dancing around fires in the middle of the night. She hopes that you enjoy her and the other great actors as they figure out who the real witches are!