"Last year for the first time humans could see our planet from the moon. They show no borders, no nations, no races, no ideologies and no political systems. They show vast oceans and seas, a few great land masses, precious atmosphere of air and clouds without which there would be no life on earth."
- U Thant, Secretary-General, United Nations, 1966
Our planet breathes, inhales, and exhales— just like the real superheroes of Earth. This play is to all the undercover Superheroes that tirelessly work to keep our planet alive in all possible ways, to the anonymous ones who are changing the world, awakening and educating their children TO BE better. And to the ones who devote their lives educating and inspiring the next generations of scholars in Arts, Sciences, and Humanities... you are the real Superheroes of this Planet!
Cynthia Galaz Ochoa
USC MFADW Candidate
Welcome, invited guests!
Wow! Look at us!!! We’re outside! We’re watching live performance! We’re sitting in the amphitheater of the brand new Southwestern College Performing Arts Center. (Isn’t it beautiful!?)
You’re here to see a new play, “Superhero Planet”, that was written at the height of the pandemic. It is “the little play that could”. It has survived against the odds and has been brought to brilliant, joyful life by very committed student actors.
The young people performing for you tonight are the future of the planet. They are the artistic, empathic, and yes, even the democratic future. Our world and our nation benefit greatly from their presence. I have benefitted greatly from their presence - on Zoom. Ah, Zoom, the unfortunate necessity of our world since mid-March 2020. But even in this unfortunate situation, the cast was able to discover a vital connection and from that connection, a passionate ensemble was created. I want to take this opportunity to thank them for their dedication to telling this story; for their good humor, their ‘can-do’ spirit, and for all of the laughter (yes, there was a lot of much-needed laughter!)
What you’re witnessing tonight is a miracle - a miracle made possible by the superhero team here at Southwestern College. Much gratitude to my writing partner Cynthia Galaz Ochoa. We did it! A big shout-out to the creative team: Mike Buckley, Jeanne Reith, Patrick Duffy, and Sue Givens. Thanks to the tireless supporters of the Performing Arts Programs: Dr. Minou Spradley, Dr. Cynthia McGregor, Dr. Teresa Russell, and Silvia Nogales. You are our cheerleaders and spur us on to artistic victories. To all of the contractors, architects, and tradespeople who have built this Performing Arts Center Amphitheater, thank you! To my dear husband Stan and our children: your patience, support, and encouragement have buoyed me during this challenging year. You are the true superstars.
And lastly, thank you, audience! Enjoy the show!!! It’s time to celebrate the young people who hold the future of our planet in their hands.
Professor Ruff Yeager