26 PEBBLES - May 16 - May 18, 2024

Southridge High School


  • Maria Copelan - Principal 
  • Marina Heitz- Vice Principal
  • Kaitlyn Stone - Vice Principal
  • Chris Bick - Vice Principal 
  • Anna Rikli - Choir Director
  • Cameron Jerde - Instrumental Director 
  • Michele Fideler - Bookkeeper
  • Kris Kebisek - Principal assistant
  • Jayne Ferlitsch - Librarian
  • Wayne Grimm - Librarian/Tech 
  • Minerva Maeda - Librarian 
  • Fabian Gomez - SRHS Tech
  • Danielle Gonzalez - School Nurse 
  • Jaqueline Zommers - Security
  • Steve Marshall - Security 
  • Michael Christiansen - Security
  • Terry Leonard - Head Custodian
  • Tony Federici - Theatre Area Custodian 
  • Larry Thompson - Night Custodian
  • Michael Amos
  • Martine Mientjes
  • Elaine Kloser- Jesuit HS
  • Richard Ramirez
  • David Nieslanik


  • To all the people who have helped acquire the Teddy Bears needed to complete this production. 
  • To Nathan - Thank you for being the 'go to' for this production, giving your eye to detail, providing your work ethic, and giving your commitment to the program that you were a part only a few years ago. Thank you for your photography as well. You have made a crazy fall, seem doable.. We all appreciate you.
  • To the Cast and Crew - Thank you for going on this adventrue with with me (and what an adventure this has been).
  • To the Families, Friends and siblings of the cast and crew, thanks for your patience and your understanding as this show unfolded. Without your grace, this production would have never taken the stage. 
  • To my Box Office Parents- You are the best!
  • To my colleagues - you are the best! I have not had the opportunity to thank each of you individually for the support you have given me, and my students in the program. You have had a hand in making this program successful. You are appreciated.
  •  You- the patrons - Thank you for keeping arts alive in the Beaverton School District through your ticket purchases and donations and support. You are greatly appreciated.

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