This production consists of 40 performers, staff, and community members, whom I can not thank enough for their time and effort in the 2017 performance! The entire cast would like to thank the following for their hard work and dedication to this performance:
The Prop Dads for the set changes, beautiful growing tree, fog, and more!
The parents for their understanding of this huge time committment necessary for the success of the performance.
The dancers and performers for their hard work and committment to the cause behind this performance.
The Middleburg Community Center for allowing us to utilize the facility once again.
Nicole Tarring for your dedication to making sure our costumes were in tip top shape.
The mom's who helped in SO many ways to get us prepared and organized.
The South Riding Dance Academy Boosters for your continued hard work and support.
The SRDA teachers, staff, and students for encouraging me to keep this production alive.
We hope you enjoyed the show!
Happy Holidays!