10 - January 08 - January 11, 2015

South Pointe High School


The Stallion Repertory Theatre wishes to thank the following people for all your assistance and support with this production:


Dr. Al Leonard

South Pointe High School Drama Club

South Pointe High School Theatre Booster Club

South Pointe High School Faculty and Staff

South Pointe High School Custodial Staff

2014-15 Patrons and Sponsors

Rock Hill Foundation

Ruthie Marshall

Shirley Nicholson

Justin Norwood

Qiauna Efird

Ammon Strong

and the hundreds of SPHS Theatre Alumni for all your dedication through the years!


The Stallion Repertory Theatre

2014-2015 Patrons and Sponsors


Silver Level

Geoffrey and Rebecca Gilleland
Ed and Deidre Kelly

Alan and Joellen Smith


Red Level

Rick and Laura Norwood
Bob and Courtney White
Keith and Brett Martens
Rion and Virginia Rutledge
Dan and Joanne Ballou
Jeanne White
Robert and  Jennifer Gasperson
Carolina Chiropractic
Werner Family Chiropractic
Misty Christensen

Tim and Meghan Paladino

The Sparks Family


Season Subscriber

Martha Menchinger

Debbie Reingold



Would you like to see your name listed here?


Visit the Box Office or


WWW.STALLIONREP.COM for more information!



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