From the Director:
A running joke throughout this production process has been the following conversation held many, many times over the past few months:
"What show are you doing this year?"
"The Drowsy Chaperone."
"The what?"
If you too are unfamiliar with this show, you are in for a treat! I read the script for the first time last summer, and once I did I couldn't stop laughing! The directing team also recognized the benefit of this show having multiple lead roles. We have a young cast this year (twenty of our twenty-three cast members are in grades 7-10) and the breadth of available roles has allowed students in every grade level to step up into the spotlight, while the 1920s theme has brought the rollicking dance and music of that era to our full ensemble.
The entire directing team has been awed by the way our cast members have developed their acting, vocal, and dance skills since those auditions way back in November, and marveled at the student-led crew teams who have demonstrated initiative and leadership behind the scenes. And that is the true joy for us as educators - watching our students blossom both on and off the stage. This show, with its focus on traditional musical theater elements (but with a modern comic twist!) has been a wonderful vehicle to promote this student growth. Plus, how fun to have a show that both pays homage to AND pokes fun at the tropes of 1920s musicals!
So sit back, relax, and get ready to spend some time in the world of the Drowsy Chaperone! We hope that this show will do what that great philosopher, The Man in the Chair, tells us a musical is supposed to do: entertain you, transport you to a world of color, music, and glamour, and most importantly, give you a little tune to carry with you in your head for when you're feeling blue.