Somerville Middle School Administration
Ms. Georgette Boulegeris - Principal
Mrs. Lani Perruso - Assistant Principal
Mrs. Mary Honrath - Guidance Counselor
Mrs. Maureen Duffy - School Nurse
Ms. Marjorie Mahony - Child Study Team Psychologist
Dr. Helena Sroczynski - School Psychologist
Mrs. Angela Read - Secretary to Principal
Somerville Public Schools Administration
Superintendent of Schools
Mr. Timothy Teehan
Business Administrator/Board Secretary
Mr. Bryan P. Boyce
Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Mrs. Melissa Stager
Director of Special & Ancillary Services and Health Services
Dr. Tonya McDonald
Director of Special Projects
Mr. Christopher Mulligan
Director of 21st Century Education
Ms. Melissa McEntee
Director of Buildings and Grounds
Mr. Jimmy Gabriel
Somerville Public Schools Board of Education
Mr. Derek Jess, President
Mr. Lucien (Luc) Sergile, Jr., Vice President
Mr. Dan Carlson
Ms. Candace Mathews
Mrs. Linda Olson
Mr. Daniel Puntillo Jr.
Dr. Melissa Sadin
Mrs. Erin Sweitzer
Mrs. Denise Van Horn
*Mrs. Kristen Fabriczi
*Branchburg Board of Education