Ever felt used and discarded? At some point, most of us have, and because so many people can relate to that feeling, our director envisioned an environment for A FERRY TALE that repurposed discarded items. Things such as pallats and buckets that were once thrown away became focal points responsible for elevating people. Similarly, we as community members have the ability to find renewed purpose in uplifting others.

The music of A FERRY TALE is nothing short of miraculous. With the early beginnings back in 2015, feeble fingers slowly plunked songs on a used keyboard. Initially, there was tremendous doubt that the songs were anything more than "mary had a little lamb" in different keys and tempos; however, each song was documented with some sort of audio-visual recording app and hand charted on staff paper, until it became clear that every song was a tiny miracle given to an untrained pianist. The rudamentary piano recordings were then arranged into hip hop tracks by music engineers so that the show could be performed even if live orchestra wasn't possible.

The entirety of this project has been about
finding true value. Some of us have learned to value ourselves... Some of us have been working on seeing the value of other people beyond what they can do for you. All of us found value in pooling our resources to invest in ourselves. We discoverd that working together is priceless and supporting each other will pay off in the long run.