Matilda - February 03 - February 12, 2023

Simsbury High School


Thank You to the Following


Production Resource Group

AJ Rose

Carter Rowe

Jessica Bosenberg

Sara Avery and Two Gals Theatricals

Wendy Ku, SHS Technical Education/Engineering Supervisor

Shannon Gagne, SHS Art Department Supervisor

Lisa Abel

Kathryn Fausel

Ken Fischer

Rebecca Saltzman

Luis Moquete and the SHS Custodial Staff

Simsbury Volunteer Fire Department

Simsbury Friends for Music and Performing Arts

The UPS Store, Simsbury 


Matilda Fourth Grade Collaboration


On February 8, grade four students from across Simsbury will be treated to a one-hour performance of scenes and songs from Simsbury High School's 2023 production of Roald Dahl's Matilda, The Musical. We are very excited about inviting them into our theatre and the world of Matilda.


As part of this production, students from Tariffville Elementary, under the direction of their art teacher, Dan Rosenthal-Baxter, painted images of the Matilda characters.  These will be shown before the show in a slide presentation and incorporated in other ways on the set. 


Mr. Rosenthal-Baxter states, “ I briefly introduced my fourth graders, (who are currently studying portraiture) from both Mrs. Weaver's and Mrs. Jorge's classes to the story, passed out character descriptions and facial expression charts, and had students use strategies to measure for basic proportions.  Students then used simple materials, and the charts to render their visions of what these colorful characters might look like and what they might be feeling.”  


Congratulations to the following artists:

Matilda- Brielle D’Amore Chasse; Ethan Doolittle

Miss Honey- Halima Haidara; Piper Mcallister

Mrs. Wormwood- Karla Parker; Sade Denis

Mr. Wormwood- Zahki Coachman; Aiden Paterson; Maxum Van Camp

Agatha Trunchbull- Greyson Hoye; Ryan Turisco

Mrs. Phelps- Za’Nylah Ward; Michaela Woronecki

Michael- Kylie Lewis; 

Lavender- Mallory Barnett

Bruce- Cody Denalsky; Jeremiah Velasquez
Amanda- Sydney Bell 

Eric- Bentley Brown; Thomas Woronecki

Nigel- Michael DiMascio; Bodie Masson

Tommy- Landon Hamel

Matilda’s Friend- Domenic DiMascio


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