Glitz & Glamour - April 29 - April 30, 2022

Silver Rhythm Dancers

 Director's Note 

SRD 26th Line,

You have overcome obstacles that no other line has ever had to overcome, and you have done so with grace.  When we started this year we knew we had our work cut out for us to make up for a year of virtual learning.  Your sense of humor has allowed laughter when I expected tears, determiniation has made way to success to lofty goals, and your awkwardness has allowed memories that I will cherish always. 


Parents, thank you for remaining flexible and supporting your dancer through it all.  I have enjoyed getting to share live performances with you all in the audience. It has filled my heart with happienes to hear moms and dads cheer loudly for their dancer. I see you Keith! Enjoy this night and your dancer on stage! They have worked so hard and are absolutely stunning. 


Officers, this year started off different than any other year.  The saying that everything happens for a reason is defintely true.  I can proudly say that the strong leaders and officers that this team and I needed are performing here on stage tonight. I am so proud of your dancing, leadership, and determination as an officer line. I love each of you dearly! 


Ms. Fredrickson, thank you for jumping in to the world of dance team at RHS and joining our family.  Your go with the flow personality is one that each young dancer in our program can model for their own success in an ever changing world.  


In SRD Love & Mine,



Mrs. Cooper

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