Guys & Dolls - November 14 - November 23, 2024

Siena College



Chair & Professor: Scott N. Foster MFA
Professor: Denise R. Massman, MFA, Mahmood Karimi-Hakak, MFA, SED; Paul
Konye, PhD; Rebecca Taylor, JD
Professor & Associate Dean of Liberal Arts: Tim Reno, DMA
Associate Professor: Joshua Iddings, PhD; Krysta Dennis, PhD
Assistant Professor: Germaine Gatewood, MFA
Teaching Professor: Katria Foster MFA
Scene Shop Supervisor and Master Carpenter: Jeff Sullivan


The Siena College Creative Arts Department offers an education that
unites the visual arts, theater, music, broadcast media, and history
through a curriculum designed for students to study, create, and respond

to various forms of art and communication. Faculty actively advise stu-
dents and guide them through specialized tracks within the major based

on their interests and ambitions. Graduates of the Creative Arts are well
prepared for future personal, academic, or professional work in the arts.


The goal of the Creative Arts Department is to engage students with
works of the creative imagination. Courses meet this goal through three

  • By developing the students’ aesthetic appreciation of the
    arts of the world in which they live.
  • By enabling students to understand the arts as refl ections
    of the cultural spirit of various epochs.
  • By encouraging the development of students’ own creative
    potential and skill.

The Creative Arts Department offers a Creative Arts Major, a Visual Art
and Design Major, a Theatre Major with tracks in Acting, Design, and Management, a Theatre Certificate, a multimedia certificate and minor, a minor in Creative Arts, and a minor in Broadcast and Society.



Dean Christiane Farnan and the School of Liberal Arts Office
Dr. Margaret Madden, Provost, and the Office of Academic Affairs
Creative Arts Chair Scott Foster and the Creative Arts Faculty

The Siena College Print Shop

You, our guests, especially our teachers, students, colleagues, family, and


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