Welcome to our educational entertainment and production company, ShoWorks Entertainment!
We cater to artists of all ages, from young actors all the way through to adults.
In addition to our TV training and production, ShoWorks also focuses on versatility. We produce various theater productions, live events and artist showcases throughout the year. We understand that LA is primarily a TV/Film town, however, it is also a town full of actors, and actors want to act. Not wait to act. That makes you a waiter :-) The more skills you have, the more versatile you are, and the more options you have to do what you love - and that is why we are all here right?
At ShoWorks, we believe in imagination and creation, whilst helping prepare the up-and-coming actors of the future to work with integrity and discipline. As well as remembering that we get to dress up and play for the rest of our lives. How much fun is that!
Please visit our website at:
"Don't Wait. Create!"
Jo Galloway Darren Portilla