Annie - July 27 - August 05, 2018

Seminole Theatre Players


An enormous and gracious thank you goes out to our Stage Hands: Michael Sanchez,

Roshambia Clark, Natalie Pierre, Faith VanWambeck, our Scenic Crew: Richard Smith, Jose Perez, Valdemar Alcaraz, Ofelia Alcaraz Navarro, Peggy Nania, Isaiah Escorcia, Francisco A Navarro III, our Costume Assistants: Deanna Green, Valeria Miranda, Dillon Flores, our Props Assistants: Isabela Roman, Phil Marraccini.  Thanks to Miami Acting Company and Maltz Jupiter Theater for lending props and costumes.  Thanks to Theatre Co Costume rental department.  Thanks to Ava Camblin, Brite Eyes Photography, Arman Photography, South Dade News Leader, Go! Latinos Bilingual Magazine, Ear Responsible Productions, and to all the many volunteers who worked tirelessly to bring this production to life!


Seminole Theatre Players Executive Committee 2018-2019


Artistic Coordinator - Misty White

Administrative Manager - Dayana Bennett-Ahmed

Marketing Director - Sabra Brown

Production Manager - Frankie Navarro 

Education & Outreach Coordinator - Kristine Segura


The Seminole Theatre Players are the resident theatre company of the Seminole Theatre.  The primary goal of the STP is to create and introduce quality, accessible theatrical productions for and by the local community because everyone deserves access to the arts.  STP's parent organization is the Friends of the Historic Seminole Theatre. Together, they provide top-notch entertainment to the Homestead community at affordable prices. STP also ensures at least one performance of each show is provided to local schools for free. 


The Friends of the Historic Seminole Theatre

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