The Directors, Cast and Crew would like to thank the following people for their help in making our production great:
- Scott Turner and Kara Fribley for their help with auditions
- Our Team-Leads who made all the “Behind The Scenes” Happen
Julie McCormick - Costume Lead
Dan Stark - Set Build Lead
Eric Worthing - Set Build Assistant Lead
Jeff Von Buskirk - Set Dress Lead
Lynley Champion - Promotions & Advertising Lead
Stephanie Daignault-Newton - Program Creation Lead
Tim Tsiang - Program Creation & Advertising Sales
Kathy Bahu - Cast Party Lead
Kathy Porter - Basic Stage Make-Up Lead
Laura Blewett - Specialty Make-Up Lead
- Susan Harvey for volunteering her talents as Vocal Director
- Brighton High School Students Andrew Wilson, Wyatt Feldman & Taylor Stacy for stage managing, sound managing and publicity, respectively.
- Sally Mikat for working with a number of our actors, and even squeezing in a few extra, to support our production
- Allison Rittle for the “rat tap” choreography
- Lindsey Harkins, BCPA Manager, for your flexibility and assistance
- The Directors of Pippen, Michelle and Josh Holowicki, for sharing space and resources with Shrek the Musical
- Frank Smith for recording and producing our DVD.
- Sean Carney, Amy McCullough and the students within the BHS Graphics Art Department for creating all of our publicity materials
- Rocky Roberts and Marty Redilla for the use of the Auto Lab at BHS for Set Construction
- All of the parents who helped with props or costumes
- All of the parents who drove teams around on poster hanging day
- All of the parents helping backstage, with food preparation, supervising students, moving set pieces and all of the hundreds of other ways you have supported the production.
- There will be many people who make amazing contributions to this production after this program is sent to print. Too all of you ... Thanks!