The first time I saw Shrek the Musical I knew I wanted to bring this show to the Scecina stage. After working with this cast and crew for the last several months, I cannot imagine a better group of humans to bring this hilarious and heartfelt show to life. The plethora of costumes, props, and puppets was no easy task; however, we had an awesome group of students who worked diligently and creatively to get it all accomplished. Our cast leaders, especially Andrew, Tanner, and Ava, led by the example they modeled...always prepared, always in character, always supportive. I am so proud of the work that both cast and crew members poured into making this show a success!
All my thanks to:
Andy Smith, Cliff Wagoner, and Tim Coffey for building our hexagon and wagons.
Logan Weinzierl for building and operating our Bluebird.
Natalie Tyree for building our Duloc head and dragon...wowzers, thank you so much!
Emily Gonzalez for pushing me to always make the right choice for the show…even when I’m tired, and for owning your role!
Margaret Zeh & Rebeccah Lowe for a fun day of crafting and conversation.
Andy Young for all the things and hanging lights.
Ramona and Miles Young for their prop making skills and for all the love, support, and missed bedtimes. You are the best babies a mama could ever ask for!
United State of Indiana for our awesome t-shirts.
The my students in the theatre classes for the set and prop help.
The faculty, facilities crew, marketing team, and staff of Scecina for all the support you gave me and our students.
Our parent and staff volunteers...we couldn't do the show without you.
And you, our audience...thank you for supporting theatre at Scecina Memorial High School!
Let your freak flag fly,
-Leslie Young