Almost Maine - November 16 - November 18, 2023

Saugus High School Drama Club

 Crew Who's Who 

  • Kathryn De Souza

    Stage Manager

    Kathryn is a senior at Saugus High School and is looking forward to participating in tech for her 5th production, Almost, Maine! She’d like to congratulate and thank stage managers/assistant stage managers Larissa, Eric and Yashi for all their hard work and care towards the show.

  • Eric Lima head shot

    Eric Lima

    Stage Manager

    Eric Lima, is a Senior at Saugus High School and has been in Drama Club for over 5 years. In this production, they are a Stage Manager and would like to thank their mother Gloria Lima, for all her support through the last couple of months. Additionally, they thank their amazing technical team and actors for their great work.

  • Yashi Patel

    Stage Manager

    Yashi is a Senior at Saugus High School. She is a part of the crew for this production of Almost, Maine. She has done stage managing, costumes, and props! She would like to thank everyone in drama club especially the stage managers, directors, and Mr. Raponi. She would also like to thank everyone in crew and cast for the effort put into this show!!

  • Larissa Ambrosio head shot

    Larissa Ambrosio

    Assistant Stage Manager

    Larissa Ambrosio is a Junior at Saugus High who loves being a part of SHS Drama Club! She is an assistant stage manager for this production and has also been a part of previous shows including, Emotional Baggage and Selfie. She wants to thank all those who came out to support her and she wishes all cast and crew good luck!

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