The opportunity of being a student director has been an amazing one to traverse and explore, so much so it leaves me wanting to change my intended major, too bad I applied to my colleges early. The scenes I directed in this show hold something so near and special to my heart. I really hope myself, the actors, and crew were able to showcase those emotions on tonight's stage. Allow yourself to immerse yourself in tonight's show. Much love to all my amazing cast and crew for their outstanding work. Much thanks to all the adults involved that make productions possible. Much appreciation for Mr. Nicholas Raponi, for adapting and acclimating into a new school and theatre and leading us on with professionalism and grace.
Maximus Barboza
Student Director
Hey! I'm Sebastian, a member of the Saugus High School Drama Club Board, and a proud actor and director of Almost, Maine! Directing the scenes "Prologue/Interlogue/Epilogue", "Sad and Glad", and "Where It Went" have been a joy - to truly see a vision come to life. Triple-cast as EAST, RANDY, and DAVE as well, I've loved being able to adapt these characters to the black box. Telling stories has always been a joy of mine, so thank you for coming to Almost, Maine, and letting myself and the rest of the cast and crew tell our adaptation of John Cariani's modern classic, together. Enjoy the show!
Sebastian Delios
Student Director
I am honored to have the opportunity to work as a student director for Almost, Maine. From the first time I read this show, I was so excited to work on it. The scenes I chose had aspects that I really enjoyed, whether it be a dream-like essence or a heartfelt message. I wanted to capture those aspects through meaningful costumes, lighting, etc. and I’m very pleased with how they turned out. I would like to give a big thank you to my amazing cast and crew; I am so proud of all of you for your hard work on this show, and you all should be very proud of yourselves and the show you helped create! Thank you to my family, friends, and drama director for supporting me and allowing me to have the opportunity to expand my craft. And to the audience, I hope you enjoy Almost, Maine!
Madelynne Leonard
Student Director
Prologue - Sebastian Delios
Her Heart - Madelynne Leonard
This Hurts - Maximus Barboza
Getting It Back - Maximus Barboza
Interlogue - Sebastian Delios
They Fell - Mr. Nicholas Raponi
Where It Went - Sebastian Delios
Story of Hope - Madelynne Leonard
Seeing The Thing - Maximus Barboza
Epilogue - Sebastian Delios