Varick Santana
as Leo
Varick Robert Phoenix Santana is this summer's next blockbuster hit. With non-stop action, this action film is bound to be a smash box office weekend. Set in 2166, Dick Cheney is back— with a vengeance, and the people of New America turn to one loose-canon, cyborg, future-cop who doesn't play by the rules. Don't miss the movie that critics are calling, "The big robot goes KerBoom! kaBOOM!!"
Scotty Sonksen
as Jack
Scotty Sonksen, senior, is honored to be spending his fourth and final year in Saugus Theater playing Jack. He is an active member in the arts, performing in the Saugus Concert Choir, Mixed Chorus, Jazz Choir, Improv team, Theater, and is also the president of the Writers in Flight club on campus. He would like to thank Mrs. Painter, Mrs. Dooley, and his friends/family for their support.
Brooke Jordan
as Meg
Brooke, senior, is a proud member of theater, comedy improv team, show and concert choirs. She was recently seen in How To Succeed... (Rosemary) and Somewhere Else Dreams (Jolene). She thanks her theater family for making theater her favorite part of the day, her mom, brother, and sister for their constant support and love, and Destiny for being a killer double cast and keeping her on track.
Destiny Quinn
as Meg
Destiny is a Senior and President of Saugus Theater. Active in theater for the past 4 years, she made her stage debut in Somewhere Else Dreams (Jackie Brown). She would like to thank Mrs. Painter and her cast members for brightening her life with sunshine and giggles. She would also like to thank her friends and family who fuel her fire through constant love and support; this one's for you.
Saige Boddy
as Audrey