Saratoga Theatre Arts
Saratoga Theatre Arts (STA) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) all-volunteer organization supporting the art of Drama in Saratoga public schools. We believe that the opportunity to participate in Drama changes lives, opens minds and greatly contributes to improved mental health and well-being.
For this production of Saratoga High School's 'Almost, Maine' we paid for a team of 4 technical staff (Technical Director, set design, lighting and costumer) who acted as coach/mentors to the students responsible for the production. As always, we also provided program management for the entire project. Our parent producer coordinated a large team of parent volunteers who worked tirelessly to make this production a success, allowing the students to focus on performing their roles both in front of and behind the curtain: while the students did their thing, adult family members were responsible for ticket sales and concessions, providing and serving hundreds of meals, all show marketing & PR, assisting students with theater move-in and strike, lobby decor and more. All ticket sale proceeds from SHS Mainstage productions go directly to the SHS ASB Drama account which is managed and owned by SHS Drama students who use it to fund the following year's production expenses.
...and when the lights go down, the curtain goes up and our students shine so brightly, it makes every ounce of that effort so worthwhile as we are sure you will agree!!
For more information or to make a donation to support our efforts to bring more quality Drama programs to all our public schools here in Saratoga, CA please visit our website at www.saratogatheatrearts.org Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram @saratogatheatrearts and let us know how we are doing!

To purchase tickets and get the latest information on our programs & productions please visit www.saratogatheatrearts.org.