Monika Adamowicz
as Uncle Henry
is 12 years old and is a 7th grader at Santiago. She is very excited to play Uncle Henry, Jitterbug and one of the three tots. You may have seen her in past choir performances at Santiago. Out of school you may have also seen her in “Snow White” or “Peter Pan” productions. She is very excited to have you enjoy “The Wizard of Oz.”
Melissa Beristain-Vuelvas
as Ensemble
is excited to participate in “The Wizard of Oz.” This is Melissa’s first big performance, as she is playing the song role #1. She wishes the cast her best for this production.
Kaia Boyd
as Scarecrow (Hunk)
is excited to be in her first play. Kaia is 11 years old and attends Santiago Charter Middle School. Kaia is excited to experience the world of acting as such an important character, and she enjoys working with the other students.
Sadi Brown
as Dorothy
is 14 years old and is an 8th grader at SCMS “The Wizard of Oz” is Sadi’s first starring role. You may have seen her the past 2 years in all of Santiago Middle School’s choir productions. In addition to her performances at Santiago, she played many characters in her 4th grade class productions. She is very ecstatic about career as an actress and is so happy to show her passion to all of you.
Audrey Camarillo
as Ensemble
is an 8th grader at Santiago Middle School. She is excited to perform as a Jitterbug in “The Wizard of Oz.”