Little Women - January 02

Santa Fe Youth Collaborative Theatre

 End Notes 

Directors Notes


Isabel Gallegos

Way back in February, before the world turned upside down, my sister, Carmen, said, “I have a crazy idea, what if we make our own theatre company?” This idea, while exciting, seemed very ambitious and far-fetched. I worried that even if we put in a ton of time and effort, people would still see us like a group of five-year-olds putting on a living room production, even though I knew we were capable of more than that. The fear and amount of work we were staring at nearly made me turn around and give up, but thanks to Carmen, who dedicated MANY hours over the summer to doing paperwork and signing contracts, we ended up with our own company!

Since then we have done the impossible--brought a group of teens together during a pandemic to create something beautiful. Now, I can assure you that this is not a living-room production- This is real, and I feel now more than ever that it is necessary. As performers, we have all lost something that matters to us and our identities in the past several months. As audience members, we have lost the beauty and power of escape in the theatre. For many of us, these are things that hold our lives together. It’s for this exact reason that I have refused, through all the ups and downs in the last few months, to give up on what we have. This is a piece of art that needs to be seen.

As for why Little Women, it is an endlessly relevant story, and we can feel its poignance even more now as we wish for the closeness of family that is so difficult to achieve during this time. Also, I couldn’t think of a better story to create with my sister and our wonderful friends.- This is Little Women created by little women.


Lastly, I need to thank everyone who has supported us all along.
I cannot begin to express my gratitude to everyone who helped us get this far.
Thank you to our ASTONISHING cast- you are so dedicated and talented. You have made this process so much fun.
Thank you to our donors who gave us costumes, sets, props, and everything that makes this show so beautiful.
Thank you to Iza, my co-director, for sticking through this with me even though it was far too challenging. You really do deserve a vacation :)
Thank you to my parents for helping us form a company, endlessly supporting our process, and allowing us to stuff our garage full of set pieces.



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