Kevin Hansen
as The Baker
Kevin is thrilled to return to the CPAC/Shoestring Players stage, having previously been seen as “Scotty" in Ripcord, the “Sergeant of Police" in The Pirates of Penzance. and “Seymour” in Little Shop of Horrors. He also recently directed the musical Lucky Stiff, and served as Music Director for Once Upon A Mattress and The Pirates of Penzance. Kevin has had a long professional theater career, alternating between actor, director, and musical director over the past 40 years. A transplant from the Twin Cities (where he was co-founder and Executive Director of the Minneapolis Musical Theatre), he has been a frequent performer at the Gaslight Theater in Tucson and previously served as Board Chair for the Southern Arizona Performing Arts Company (SAPAC). Kevin has degrees in both Music and Theatre from the University of Minnesota – Morris. As a northerner, Kevin wishes that lilacs and peonies grew in AZ (ah, that fragrance!).