Dracula - October 26 - November 04, 2023

Santa Barbara High School Theatre

 Director's Notes 


Over the years many of Santa Barbara’s most creative and surprising performers have had one thing in common, they all spent time in one of the many rehearsal rooms of Eric Lehman. Whether at Santa Barbara Middle School, Open Alternative, or Summer Stock, (where he has created original theater for years with his partner Maureen Lehman) these young performers learned the art of pretend from this most raucous and inventive guide. In fact, several of the creators on this team (including yours truly) have had the privilege of working on or in his shows over the years. So being able to restage one of his treasured adaptations with his daughter Kyra is a very full-circle moment for me. Big E (as he is lovingly called by those who know him) will leave a lasting legacy when he decides to retire one day, from the students' minds he has opened, to the outlandish sets and art pieces he has built out of cardboard. He has inspired so many to be creative and alive inside his plays and that spirit is all through this version of Dracula. Paying homage to the many versions of Dracula, he weaves a tale of love, humor, and blood! As I head into my second year here at SBHS I am looking to the lessons I have learned from my mentors for inspiration and letting them inform my teaching practice. I remember my time with Big E and seek to inspire my students to tap into their creativity, their wild playfulness, their connection to each other, and their belief in their own abilities. I hope we will do him proud and that you will all enjoy this wild ride with us!


-Gioia Marchese 


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