Deathtrap - November 14 - December 07, 2014

Sandy Actors Theatre
 Sandy Actors Theatre
A Thriller in Two Acts 
Ira Levin



Matt Rathbun

Kia Hobart


Galin McMahon



Anita Sorel

Jim Lamproe


Produced by

Dan Bosserman


Kathy Strickland


Set Design by

Roger Nelson


Light Design by

Doug Holtry

Costumes by

Deann Fenster


Properties by

Mike Strickland


Directed by

Arran Hersey


Synopsis of Scenes

The action takes place in Sidney Bruhl’s study, in the Bruhl home in Westport, Connecticut. 
ACT 1 
Scene 1:  An afternoon in October  
 Scene 2:  That evening
Scene 3:  Two hours later  
 ACT 2
 Scene 1:  Two weeks later, morning
 Scene 2:  A week later, night
 Scene 3:  Later the same night