Macbeth - November 21

Sandia Preparatory School


Scene I: The Heath
Scene II: A camp near Forres
Scene III: The Heath
Scene IV: Duncan's Palace at Forres
Scene V: Macbeth's Castle at Inverness
Scene VI: Outside Macbeth's castle
Scene VII: Macbeth's castle
Scene VIII: Outside Macbeth's Castle
Scene IX: Macbeth's Castle
Scene X: Macbeth's Castle
Scene XI: The Palace at Forres
Scene XII: A Room in the Palace
Scene XIII: A Park Near the Palace
Scene XIV: A Hall in the Palace
Scene XV: Another room in the Palace
Scene I: A Cavern on the Heath
Scene II: Fife. Macduff's Castle
Scene III: England. The King's Palace
Scene IV: Dunsinane. A Room in the Castle
Scene V: Country Near Dunsinane
Scene VI: Dunsinane. A room in the castle
Scene VII: Country Near Birnam wood
Scene VIII: Dunsinane. A room in the castle
Scene IX: The Battlefield outside Dunsinane
Scene X: The Battlefield outside Dunsinane
Scene XI: Another Part of the Battlefield

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