Disney's Beauty and the Beast - April 06 - April 14, 2018

San Antonio Christian High School

 Who's Who 

  • Sophie DeYoung head shot

    Sophie DeYoung

    as Belle


    Sophie DeYoung is a freshman at SACS and is ecstatic to play the role of her favorite Disney princess! Some of Sophie’s past productions include: White Christmas (Susan), The Music Man (dancer), and Cinderella (Portia). When she’s not in rehearsals, Sophie enjoys practicing calligraphy, tap dancing, and watching American Ninja Warrior. She would like to thank her parents and all her siblings, but especially her little brothers for always being so energetic and adorable. She hopes you enjoy the show, and remember, stay out of the west wing!

  • Ben Rebmann head shot

    Ben Rebmann

    as Beast


    Ben Rebmann has been in theater since second grade, with Beauty and the Beast being his 8th formal show. He has an incredible passion for the arts, including filmmaking, which he plans to pursue in college next year. He is the son of two loving parents and has three questionably loving siblings. He puts all of his praise in Jesus Christ, his savior, without whom Ben would not be here today. Fan-girling around Ben is strictly prohibited.

  • Brandon Trevino head shot

    Brandon Trevino

    as Gaston


    Brandon Trevino has been attending SACS since the third grade and this is his first theatre show ever. He has enjoyed playing football, basketball, golf, and throwing around a metal ball called the shot put in track. He also likes playing the piano and he has been in Cinematography for the past two years. He would like to thank God, football, and his ACL for giving him an opportunity to be in this show. He really decided to join because Kyle Cheney locked him in a closet and wouldn’t let him out until he promised to do theatre.

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