Honk! - April 01 - April 02, 2016

Samoset School


This production is a product of the Leominster Music Department. It takes a combined effort of all the music teachers in the city. From passing out and collecting forms, to letting us use their rooms to house students, making sure we have a piano for rehearsal, these teachers are there for your students.


We would like to Thank:

Judy Russo.............................................Fall Brook

Arthur Pierce.......................................... L.H.S.

Barry Hudson..........................................L.H.S.

Deborah Caudill......................................Fall Brook


Directly part of the "All City Musical" staff are:

Marcie Loiselle        Parent Coordinator     Johnny Appleseed

Jeremy Zglobicki     Director                       North West

Brenda Lemay         Music Director            Sky View

Bernadette Marso   1st Reed Player          Sky View

Larry Zuaro             Booth Coordinator       Frances Drake

Robert Landry         Producer                     Samoset



Special Thanks!

Principal Colleen LeClair and Tim Blake for their continuous support!

Andrea Mastroianni and the LHS Theatre Department.

All the parent volunteers!!!

Teresa Ermini for her endless work creating this program. 

L.H.S. Art Teachers for letting us house your children for the week and for performances.

Custodians throughout the city for providing us with ready rooms for rehearsals.

Principals of every school for their support and helping us load students on the appropriate bus to attend rehearsals.


Most of all we would like to thank all the parents for encouraging your children to take part in the Fine Arts this city has to offer.




In support of the Music program:

We would like to acknowledge:


The LCC (Leominster Cultural Council)......  Grant for the Alan McCulloch String Program.


The LEF (Leominster Education Foundation)............... Grant for the Violins purchase.


The Community (& Rick Marchand's leadership)..........Grant for the violins & supplies.


The Rotary Club ( & Claire Freda's leadership)...Continuous support of the Music Program.


Russ Krueger & Russ Davis for the continuous support and for filming the Music Department's every event.    Visit: Leominstermusic.com





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