Coming and going: Please take care of personal needs (drinks, phone calls or restroom) before the show begins and at intermission.
Food and drink: drinks and snacks will be available for purchase during intermission. Unless otherwise indicated, please do not bring food or drink into the theatre.
Start of he show: The lights will dim just before a performance, and then go dark. Show your knowledge by sitting calmly and quietly.
Please remember that this is not a movie: The people on the stage can hear and see you. Please show them the respect they deserve and be quiet when needed.
Appropriate responses: Your part is to let the actors know that you appreciate the show. That means laughing at funny parts, cheering when it's called for, applauding when you like something, and perhaps even shrieking when you are scared. Remember to always respond respectfully and appropriately. These are live actors and their performance will be affected by your reactions.
All electronic devices should be turned off before the performance begins: Refrain from all electronic device activity during the production. The glow of your electronic devices is distracting and disrespectful to the actors, the technicians, and other audience numbers.
Photography and video: Never take any photographs or video recordings of the performance. Not only is this illegal, it is also disconcerting for the people on stage.
Respect the theatre space: Please clean up after yourself when you exit the theatre.
At the end of the performance you may also recycle your program by leaving it in our program disposal boxes.
Thank you & enjoy the show!!!