The Emperor's New Clothes - April 04 - April 06, 2024

Salina High South


  • Averie Hartman head shot

    Averie Hartman


    Averie is a Senior and plans on going to Otumwa, Iowa's Job Corp for Medical Billing & Coding and then Indian Hills Community College to get my Associates in the Arts with the focus in Theatre. They played Sarah in our fall play Figments, as well as a snowflake in the Rep Theatre production of Frosty the Snowman, and the Old Woman in first semester's Elements of Acting's production Talking Eggs. 

  • Jacob Mitchell head shot

    Jacob Mitchell


    Jack joined theater during his freshman year and has been in a total of eight shows making this his ninth show and his second full length show. Throughout his career in theater he has played many characters and has now started working on becoming a voice actor and hopes to make a career of it. When trying to do new things he always does it to the best of his ability and has found many new opportunities backstage this year working on different aspects of tech from building and painting to working with lights finding an abundance of new things to attempt.

  • Destiny Hamilton head shot

    Destiny Hamilton

    Destiny has been participating in SHS Theatre since their freshman year of highschool. They have been an active officer of the drama club since their sophomore year. Destiny plans on attending K-State in the Fall to study architecture with a possible minor in business. They have enjoyed their time working in this program and hope to succeed in their new endevors after graduation!


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