Cameron Crain
Served as the Director of Theatre for Sage Ridge School since 2006, directing 24 productions. He is very proud to see his students succeed on Regional, State and National level in theatre competition this year. Three years ago he started “Summer Theatre At The Ridge.” Mr. Crain looks forward to continuing the strong tradition of theatre excellence at Sage Ridge for the 2013 – 2014 school year.
Rachel Lopez
Rachel is excited to be directing the Summer at the Ridge production for the first time! It is a nice change from her typical role as resident choreographer at Sage Ridge. Rachel has been directing and teaching youth theater for 25+ years throughout the country. Rachel wants to thank all the student volunteers for all their help and all the campers for their talent and energy! Break a leg!
Courtney Leonard
Stage Manager, Props, and Costume Design
is a Junior at Sage Ridge School and is a counselor at Summer at the Ridge. She has performed in seven Sage Ridge Productions and is very excited to work with all of the kids in 'The Princess and the Pea.' For the 'Princess and the Pea,' she is in charge of make-up and hair and is the prop designer, costumer, and stage manager.
Larry Seymour
Scenic Design
Mr. Seymour is Sage Ridge School's resident set technician and scenic designer. He has been working with the school for over five years. He also works professionally in the community, designing sets for Reno Little Theater and Nevada Shakespeare Company, to name a few. Mr. Seymour is thrilled, as always, to be working with the fabulous crew of kids and professionals that find their way to SRS.
Rick Patton
Lighting Design
Mr. Patton is the resident lighting designer at Sage Ridge, and is, once again, more than happy to design and operate the lights for our show. Though Mr. Patton loves to stay behind the scenes, his favorite expression being "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!," we would find ourselves at a loss without his outstanding talent. Mr. Patton is looking forward to seeing the kids perform!