This production involved over its course 4 current SUNY Sullivan students (2 in-person, 2 remote), 8 alumnus (7 in-person and 1 remote), 5 community members (4 remote members in New Mexico, Iowa, and Ontario/Quebec, Canada), 2 faculty members, and 1 staff member. The production would not have been possible without the help of the following individuals:
- Alicia Lanese, Division Secretary, Liberal Arts, and Sciences
- Rose Hanofee, Dean Liberal Arts, Sciences, and Health Sciences
- Jay Quaintance, President
- Dr. Keith Pomakoy, VP for Academic and Student Affairs
- Dr. Gabriel Rikard
- Stephen Samuel, Coordinator of Purchasing
- Elizabeth Bataille, Principal Account Clerk
- Seth Lazroe, Hans Bader, Luis Delacruz - IT
- Elizabeth Panagakos, Facilities Support Technician
- Tláloc López-Watermann, Light Conversations, Ltd.
- Alex Lindsay's Office Hours
- DVE Store,
- Anthony Rogers, Sound Engineer
- Zoot Dammit
- Cabernet Franks for letting us have a preview cabaret
- The families of all our creative team.