Cast Members
MARIE (The Pulse of Eden)
Emily Bailey
LARA (Frayed), THE AGENT (Straight Up Superhero)
Tiffany Brann
MOTHER WITH CHILD (The Eyez in the Walls), MARGARET (Lost)
Alisha Brown
HEAD 1 (The Eyez in the Walls)
Brittany Cochran
FELICITY (Not What It's Supposed To)
Aaliyah Caballero Cortez
BITSY (Caketastrophe), OFFICER LUCI (The Eyez in the walls), EVE (The Great Retreat)
Brandi Dupere
KATE (Love and Dandelions in the Time of Coronavirus), SABRINA (The Cage Which Holds A Heart)
Desirae Graveline
LAURA (Broken Shells), PENNY (Lost), PHOEBE (Not What It's Supposed To)
Kayla Giffin
BARRY (Devil In Disguise), LIAM (Not What It's Supposed To)
Ethan Hall
PRIN (Bells & Whistles)
Angel Hammie
CALEB (Love and Dandelions in the Time of Coronavirus), MATT (Not What It's Supposed To)
Kirk Hill
MOM (Love and Dandelions in the Time of Coronavirus)
Maddie James
BETSY (Caketastrophe)
Madison Kagan
HEAD 2 (The Eyez in the Walls)
Zoe Lewis
LUCRETIA (The Quintessence of Dust)
Zoe Loveless
ARIELLE (Frayed)
Megan MacDonald
HOPE (Caketastrophe)
Jeanna Matthews
SIMA (A Play About Flags)
Victoria Melkonyan
EDEN (The Pulse of Eden)
Magnolia O'Brien
GABRIEL (The Cage Which Holds A Heart)
Burdette Parks
RIVER (Bells and Whistles)
Joe Pease