Nicholas Murillo
as Shrek
This is Nick's last play with Ms.Seggio, Ms.Rad, and Ms.Strand, and he's gonna miss them after this...probably. He also likes making funny voices and screaming. He hopes you enjoy his acting because it's not gonna get better then his cool self already is.
Abigail Balda
as Fiona
Abigail, a 7th grader, attended and performed with the American Repertory Ballet School. Her love for theatre started in 4th grade with Once On This Island at FMS. She has been in Lion King, Newsies, Aladdin, Grease. Thank you to her family for their support and encouragement; to Mrs. Seggio & Mrs. Strand for their time and dedication; & a special thank you to Ms. Rad.
Queyonte Carolina
as Donkey
Queyonte has been in these wonderful shows for the past 4 years. He’s graced with the chance to work with Ms.Seggio, a phenomenal director; along with Ms. Rad & Ms. Strand has helped him grow & bring characters to life. No other theater experience has been as fun & memorable. Though Covid has been crazy he’s blessed to come to a place & feel like he belongs.
Jack McCarthy
as Lord Farquaad
Jack is excited to be in his fifth performance with the SGS/HSC Players, having previously appeared in Willy Wonka, Footloose, Bound for Broadway and Grease. He is so happy to have had one more chance to be part of this program and to spend time with his friends. Thank you to Ms. Seggio, Ms. Rad and Ms. Strand, and to his family for their support.
Stefen Holzer
as Pinocchio
Stefen has been with Mrs. Seggio and her crew since he was in fifth grade. He has appeared in Willy Wonka, Footloose, and Grease with the SGS/HSC Players. As an eighth grader, this will be his last show. He is very thankful to Mrs. Strand, Ms. Rad, and Mrs. Seggio for introducing him to this program and to every adult and parent that made these years so memorable.