Vanities The Musical - June 06 - June 09, 2024

Ryver's House

 End Notes 

Directors Notes:
I am so extremely proud to say I have worked on this production with all these amazingly talented people! You all are truly the reason theatre is as strong at it is.

This will be the 3rd show I have directed, and the first show I have directed here in beautiful Vancouver.

Over the past two years I have been studying at Capilano University for Musical Theatre, and this fall I will be going into 3rd and final year. Over my journey I have met so many amazing people and heard so many rich stories.
Firstly I would like to thank my family, they helped me get to where I am right now and I could not be happier!

Next is of course all the amazing professors and instructors at Capilano University! Working with all of you has really helped me grow/move forward as a performer, not only as an actor/dancer/singer, but also so much more!

Thank you everyone who has come out to support tonight! 
Hope you enjoy the show!

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