Left to Their Own Devices - February 23 - February 25, 2023

Rothesay Netherwood School


This show has been almost four years in the making. Although the idea of setting a modernization of Much Ado About Nothing in a Middle School has been bouncing around my mind for more than a decade, it wasn't until the lockdown that I actually sat down and began to write. Even with a script and lyrics, LTTOD did not find its wings until it started to sing. Collaborating with Peter Fillman has been an absolute dream. From directing him as the only little male orphan in the RNS production of Annie while he was in Middle School to seeing the insanely talented and incredibly humble man he is today, it has been such a pleasure to be able watch him grow and come into his own as an artist. Even from an ocean away while he was working in Vienna, Peter was somehow able to read my mind and find the perfect sound for each of the numbers in the show. Our Zoom calls where he would plunk out notes or hum a melody were some of my fondest moments over the past couple of years. Peter, I have loved sharing this experience with you, and I am beyond excited to see where your music will take you. You really are THAT good. Don't miss your chance to hear Peter's beautiful voice in person at his Chapel Concert in the RNS Memorial Chapel on March 20!


Working with the cast and crew has been a hugely rewarding experience as well. Some of them are taking on their role for a second time, and some are brand new this year, but they have all invested a great deal and have made this show their own. They were so helpful in letting me know when a line was too cringy or if some of the slang had become outdated since it was written in 2020. 


As a veteran educator, I have witnessed the change in the social interactions of Middle School students as the use of cell phones and social media has become their primary method of communication. Mrs. Leonard, the only adult character in the show, might seem familiar to those who have been in my class. She has a number in the show called “Scrolling Through Life” which talks about her desire to help the students learn to cope with the pressures of social media, but her sense of helplessness. This song was the easiest for me to write. After my very smart friend, Chris Brilliant, suggested the teacher should have a song, I sat at my laptop and wrote the lyrics in less than twenty minutes. She represents both the obliviousness of the older generation in the face of this new way of living, while still continuing to try to support the students. Teaching in the age of cell phones and social media is tough, but its important. Thank you to all of the "Mrs. Leonards" out there who continue to push through the noise to connect with the kids.


Finally, thank you to the many supporters that we have had on our journey to get this show to the stage:


Our corporate sponsor, MacKenzie Orthodontics, has been by our side all year helping to support our show and our fundraising efforts for our journey to Scotland. Thank you, Liliya and your team!


Thank you to Brian and Jayne Murray for being the show's biggest fans. Your encouragement and support meant a lot to me and Peter when we were in the thick of creating the show. We are so grateful to you for providing us with the resources to work with Kat Barclay at KidSister Creative to build our incredible branding kit and logo. 


Thank you to the faculty and staff of Rothesay Netherwood School for the flexibility and support they have shown. In particular, thank you to Jennifer and Heather in the Marketing Department for all of your help in getting our show out there.


Thank you to Lawrence Debly at D&D Sound for donating all of the sound equipment and always being willing to answer a text or drop in for troubleshooting and a few giggles.


Thanks to Sarah McIntyre for coming on board in the fall as music director. Scotland or bust!


And to you, the first official audience to see Left to Their Own Devices, thank you for coming and taking a chance on a new show. I hope you all enjoy spending a hour in Messina Middle School. Ole! Ole!

Dayna Ellis,


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