Cast Meal Coordinator - Michelle Pellegri
Costumes Lead - April Holmes
Front of House Manager - Ashli Baldi
Newsletter, Playbill and Printing Coordinator - Abbie Berg
Photography, Cast and Crew Headshots - Dora Vorosmarty
Props and Puppets Lead - Rebecca Popoli
Publicity and Community Outreach - Erica Martin, Stephanie Leslie and Easter Worden
Set Build Team Leads- Larry Brooks, Mike Tilt, Jim Zeches
Saturday Work Crew - Ashli Baldi, Abbie Berg, Jay Berg, Ryan Bjork, Cathy Brooks, Jonathan Cohn, Steve Coulthard, John Frank, Jeff Hayden, Lori Howell, Chris Horne, Andrew Johnson, Stephanie Leslie, Chris Martin, Erica Martin, John Metzger, Kelly Metzger, Shaleta Monestime, Kurt Owen, Kevin Popoli, Erica Rolin, Gary Rolin, Emily Smith, Brandon Smith, Debbie Stewart, Lisa Tilt, Easter Worden, Mike Worden
Roswell High School Theatre Booster Association Board
Cathy Brooks, President
Lori Howell, Vice President
Abbie Berg, Treasurer
Kelly Metzger, Secretary
Erica Martin, At Large