We could not have produced this musical without the hard work, effort, and support from the following people. Thank you so much for believing in us and all you did to help make this production a success:
- Rob Shotwell for awesome photos of our students and our production.
- Todd Greve and TG Visuals for expert graphic design and video production for our show.
- Beth Lane for coordinating our concessions.
- All the parents who picked up meals, cleaned tables, worked the show and helped backstage.
- RHS Choral Booster Board: Heather Robertson, Ginger Greve, Beth Lane and Danisha Sanchez, for their support and wisdom.
- Lisa Preikzsas and Cathy Roberts for your inspiration in the Lobby.
- Pam Nitzken for your leadership of the Theatre Tech students working on the set and all your hours of volunteer work on the show.
- Michael Moon for your help backstage with the Fly Crew and your willingness to step in wherever needed.
- Vrinda Mundkur, you are the best! Thank you for helping us get it all done the right way!
- Robert Shaw, aka Mr. Dr. Robert Shaw, for your inspiration and leadership. We are so thankful to have a principal who values and promotes Fine Arts at Roswell High School!
- Our families for all last minute errands and tasks we gave you, all the late nights we were away from home and your constant support of our love of Musical Theatre. We love you!