Isabella Hernandez
as Annie
Isabella is a cheerful, silly and sweet 9 year old who quietly gets all her goals accomplished. She's not shy like it seems!! Great singer, hip hop dancer and still a great student. She loves God above all and her family! It's very simple to make her happy: play dates, handball, pool and spending time with Mom and Dad.
Brayden Bittel
as Sandy
Brayden is 8 years old and in second grade. He is an incredibly smart and kind boy who loves reading, swimming and dragons. He is a great big brother to his sister, Kennedy, and also stays busy taking care of his four chickens, two rabbits and fish. Brayden dedicates his performance to his dog and inspiration, Hauggy.
Ava Henderson
as Miss Hannigan
Ava is an outgoing 10 year old whose good natured personality always shines through. She is a 5th grader and an avid reader who loves art and science. Always a quick and eager learner, she was recently accepted into the district's GATE program. Some of her favorite extracurricular activities include basketball, dance and soccer, where her favorite position is goalie.
Oliver Pedyash
as Oliver Warbucks
Oliver is so excited to be a part of the awesome Annie Jr. cast, Warbucks is his first stage role. Oli is a fourth-grader who loves all things Lego, creating stories, and learning interesting facts about the world and beyond. His family couldn't be more proud of him for trying something new and giving his all.
Evan Ortega
as Rooster
Evan is a high achieving 5th grader. He has been wanting to be in a play for some time and he was so excited to get this role! He has been playing piano since he was 6 years old and he loves to perform. He loves everything Batman, building Legos, and watching movies with Mom & Dad. When he is not in school, he loves to draw and code using Scratch.