9 to 5: The Musical - May 12 - May 21, 2017

Rome Little Theatre

 Who's Who 

  • Clarissa Brinkley head shot

    Clarissa Brinkley

    as Violet Newstead

    Clarissa grew up in the Midwest and began her acting career when she was five. She took a hiatus from acting to pursue different careers, get married, and start a family, before returning to the stage in 2016 as Miss Mona in The Best Little Whorehouse Texas. When not on stage, Clarissa can be found playing on her iPhone. During pre and post phone-staring, she is probably taking pictures or chasing after her three kids. If none of the above applies, you might find her singing karaoke or eating pizza (probably with phone in hand).

  • Lillian Shaw head shot

    Lillian Shaw

    as Doralee Rhodes

    Lillian is thrilled at the opportunity to play Doralee, a character originally created for and portrayed by her hero, Dolly Parton. Favorite past credits include Tracy (Hairspray), Wednesday (Addams Family), Hermia (Midsummer), Vivienne (Legally Blonde), and Martha (Secret Garden). Lillian's next role with RLT will be behind the scenes as first-time director of the musical, 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. Thanks are due especially to our director and fearless leader, Karen Bowling, for orchestrating these wonderful worlds I've had the opportunity to inhabit over the last four years. This performance is dedicated to my amazingly compassionate and hilarious hardworking mom, Sheila Shaw, who let me watch 9 to 5 on VHS in the 90s, knowing the illegal bits would go over my head but the message would stick.

  • Maegan Williams head shot

    Maegan Williams

    as Judy Bernly

    Maegan Williams is beyond excited to be joining the amazingly talented cast and crew of 9 to 5. This is her third RLT show as she was previously in Into the Woods as the Witch and Noises Off as Belinda Blair/Flavia Brent. She would like to thank the cast and crew for such a fun journey into past! A huge thank you to Karen and Carol for bringing to light the many issues that are still present today. She would also like to thank her husband, Rick, for his constant support and encouragement. Break a Leg out there gang!

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