Core Objectives
To Educate individuals and the greater community about the significance and technique of varying artistic expressions, including theatre, dance, music, art and cinematography
To Utilize the performing arts to appeal to a broad audience base
To Perform the Produce a variety of shows that raise awareness of our mission and an appreciation for the creative arts.
To Employ the creative arts as a tool engage in large and small scale community building and strengthening.
To Provide an outlet for the free expression of the Rock Ridge Community.
To Inspire the Rock Ridge Community through the use of various creative art modalities.
To Create lasting memories within the hearts of all participants.
President: Nina Rivera
Ex-Officio President: Lucky Vemuri
1st Vice President: Shaila Seth
2nd Vice President: Lena Butterman
Treasurer: Meghan Emanuel
Event Manager: Andrea Arias
Secretary: Hannah Kane
Historian: Katie Markle
Middle School Liason: Jordan Green
Thespian President: Hailey Brunson
Thespian 1st Vice President: Deirdre Price
Thespian 2nd Vice President: Alex Abbas
Community Outreach Chair: Javere Green
President: Lisa Brunson
1st Vice President: Sumeeti Seth
2nd Vice President: Tara Green
Treassurer: Shawn Lacey
Secretary: Mary Ann Price
Ex-Officio President: Bari Barton Cooper
Financial Secretary: Muriel Janoschka
Parent and Community Liason: Perla Arias
Tech Week Meals Chair: Myra Maldanado
Advertising Chairs: Matthew Price and Debra Harris
Cappies Chair: Peggy Markle
Fundraising Chairs: Michele Emanuel and Yesim Temeemi
Scholarship Chair: Jason and Kat Khuu
Spirit Wear Chair: Dena Nihart