The Old Faith, Hope, and Charity - February 14 - February 16, 2014

Roanoke First Church of the Nazarene

 Who's Who 

  • Hayley Reed head shot

    Hayley Reed

    as Dr. Lorraine Marcus : A young physican, fresh out of college and eager to be needed.

    Hayley is a senior at Lord Botetourt High School. Hayley also performed as a French waitress in our last performance here. Her hobbies include being in the Color Guard for here high school, watching NetFlix and being involve in her youth group. Hayley is a natural when it comes to acting. She plans on attending James Madison University this coming fall. Her life verse is Philippians 4:6, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

  • C. Sherrill Michael head shot

    C. Sherrill Michael

    as Dr. Peter Farraday: An old country doctor, in his late 50s. He is a likable curmudgeon.

    Sherrill was born in Augusta County, moved to Richmond where he owned and operated 2 construction businesses and pastored in the Church of the Nazarene where he is an ordained minister. Currently he is the chaplain and grief and loss counselor with Medi-home health and hospice in Roanoke. He also is the youth pastor here at First Church where he enjoys working with the teens you are seeing tonight on stage and those who are serving you at your tables. His life verses are found in Ps. 103:17-18, “But from everlasting to everlasting the LORD’s love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children’s children—with those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts.” Pastor Sherrill’s favorite quote is one based in deep wisdom, and fortunately not experience. “It is always better to aim for the moon and miss, than to aim for a skunk and hit.”

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