The Old Faith, Hope, and Charity - February 14 - February 16, 2014

Roanoke First Church of the Nazarene


Cast Members  
Dr. Lorraine Marcus : A young physican, fresh out of college and eager to be needed.  
Hayley Reed  
Dr. Peter Farraday: An old country doctor, in his late 50s. He is a likable curmudgeon.  
C. Sherrill Michael  
Thomas F. Evans: A pompous layer in his early 30s, always working his own angle.  
James E Sledd III  
Nelda: An argumentative medical secretary, in her mid-40s  
Olivia Sherman  
Ernie: A small-town character with a very dry sense of humor.  
Daniel Jervis  
Tyler Perkins: A handsome county veterinarian, very charming  
Austin Mercy  
Mindy Rohaur: A fun-loving young friend of Lorraines  
Kaileigh Robertson  
Silas: A large, bull of a farmhand, quiet unless pushed.  
Jalen Patterson  
Martha: A sweet country lady who's something of a fanatic over her pet hog.  
Elizabeth Michael  
Mrs. Kimbrough: An elderly patient woman with a very large heart and a lot of faith.  
Abigail Michael  







The setting is a doctor’s office in rural America. It is operated by a country doctor who is getting ready to retire. He advertises for a young ‘open-minded’ doctor to fill in for two weeks while he takes a vacation. Before the play ends, the young doctor, fresh out of med school, realizes there is more than meets the eye. 

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