The Old Faith, Hope, and Charity - February 14 - February 16, 2014

Roanoke First Church of the Nazarene






    The youth department here at Roanoke First church would like to thank you for coming out and supporting our dinner theater production. Our theme this past year has been to serve others. It is our privilege this evening to serve you, and we hope you enjoy the evening.

   We would like to thank all of our crew members who participated in any way to bring this production to fruition.


Thank you parents of the cast for your involvment in encouraging your child in there commitment to the play and one another.


Special thanks to the Dunman Florist for the flowers.


    We also want to thank Renee Hall for her talents she is sharing on Saturday as she preformed some songs on her harp. Renee is a southern Virginia harpest and plays for wedding ceremonies and other events. She can be reached at:   Starcityharpest 

  Our lettering on the stage was painted by one of our teens Amanda Fitzgerald. Amanda is an 8th grader at James Madison middle school. She has work displayed at Festival in the park and Carilion Clinic.

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