Thoroughly Modern Millie - November 13 - November 17, 2014

Riverton High School




RHS Administration: Ms. Carolyn Gough, Mr. Jim Marsh, Mr. Curtis Hagen (sitting front row as always!), Mr. Kevin Barton and Mr. Art Erickson.  Thank you for your support of the Performing Arts at Riverton High School



RHS Custodial Staff


All of the parents that drove trailers, trucks, brought food, brought water and donated time and energy for this show.  We appreciate you!



Scott for his fantastic tap choreography, Bailee for coming back to help as an alumni, Brynn for entering the world of Musical Theatre and Kathy for being so supportive.



Sandy City for fantastic set pieces.  Brighton High for great costume pieces.



Mary Smith for always stepping in to help the students look great.



Daniel Whiting and your excellent expertise in all things technical.



Michelle and her excellent library staff for all of our middle school programs.



Brenda, Margaret, Jenn, Michael, Trisha and Lori for being fantastic helps in the Main Office.

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