Act 1
Scene 1- The Central Park Zoo in New York City
Wild and Free
Marty and Company
Best Friends
Alex and Marty
Scene 2- Times Square NYC
Relax, Be Cool, Chill Out
Marty, Merman, Alex, Marty, Mason and Penguins
Raspberry Clouds
Marty, Merman, Alex, Marty, Mason and Penguins
Scene 3-The Boat to Africa
Penguin Sea Shanty
The Penguins
Scene 4- The Beach of Madagascar
Welcome to Me
King Julien and Lemurs
I Like to Move it, Move it
King Julien, Maurice and Company
Scene 1-The Beach of Madagascar
I Like to Move it, Move it Reprise
Lemurs and Company
Alex, Chefs and Steaks
Scene 2- The Boat to Antartica
Penguin Sea Shanty Reprise
The Penguins
Scene 3-Beautiful Watering Hole
Living In Paradise
Marty, Alex, Lemurs and Company
Scene 4-Scary Foosa Territory
Best Friends Reprise
King of Madagascar
Alex and Company